walk through these style steps and be ready to go

The 8C's of Style


1. Context

Where am I going? What is the address-urban or suburban? Do I drive, taxi, walk? What will the weather be? Will there be AC/heat? What is the venue like? 

2. Comrades

How will others be dressed? Do I want to fit in or stand out? Will it be multi-generational and/or multi-gender gathering?


3. Comfort

It's a victory when what looks great is super comfortable, too.  But when style and comfort aren't playing on the same team, how much comfort am I willing to sacrifice to get the look I want? What is the sweet spot between the two, given what I need to achieve? 

4. Choosy

In business school they taught us the purpose of a good strategy is make sure we are saying 'no' more often then we are saying 'yes'.  Am I attracted to this shirt because it is on sale? I love the way body looks in these jeans, but how are they different from what I already own?

5. Cue

Besides yourself, who are you dressing for? What signal do you want to send? Maybe there is more than one person? More than one signal?

6. Cut

Based on my Cue, am I looking for something modern or traditional? Conservative or revealing? Boxy or tailored?  Does the cut suit my body frame? Does it enhance what I like most about my body? Downplay what I don't?

7. cQuality

How important is quality to me? Is this piece going to be a building block in my wardrobe, or do I just want it to last tonight and then consign? Quality is a key driver of cost, and higher quality does often, though not always, drive style.

8. Cost

Which do I have more of, time or money? Do I have time to hunt down a similar piece at a lower price? Can I wait for an item to go on sale & hope they have my size? Or, should I pay the price for convenience?

Is my closet a well-balanced portfolio of investments? Did I do some homework to find out what it costs to achieve the look I want? Have I reconciled the likely cost with what am I hoping to spend?